Ednovate schools are public, tuition-free, high-performing college prep high schools in Los Angeles and Orange County.
Thank you for Your interest in our schools!
Enrollment Options
Our enrollment form for the 2025–26 school year is available.
Click below to submit your enrollment application form today.
Nuestro formulario de inscripción para el año escolar 2025–26 está disponible.
Haga clic aquí para enviar su formulario de solicitud hoy.
Transfer students welcome!
There are limited openings for the current 2024–25 school year at East College Prep, Encore College Prep, South LA College Prep, and Legacy College Prep.
Contact us at 213-454-0599 or admissions@ednovate.org to transfer today.
The Enrollment Process
Step 1
First, explore our schools! All of our schools use a personalized, college-prep model that prepares every student for success in college, career, and life.
Primero, ¡explore nuestras escuelas! Todas nuestras escuelas utilizan un modelo personalizado de preparación universitaria que prepara a cada estudiante para el éxito en la universidad, la carrera y la vida.
Step 2
Fill out an application to apply to as many schools as you’d like in the Ednovate network.
Complete una solicitud para postularse a tantas escuelas como desee en la red Ednovate.
Step 3
If there were more applications than seats available in any grade level at a school, a lottery will take place on February 12, 2025. Read more about the lottery process below.
Si hubo más solicitudes que asientos disponibles en cualquier nivel de grado en una escuela, se llevará a cabo una lotería el 12 de febrero de 2025. Lea más sobre el proceso de lotería a continuación.
Step 4
If you have been offered a seat for the 2025–2026 school year, CLICK HERE TO ACCEPT YOUR SEAT or call 213-454-0599. Detailed information will be provided by the school. Need help? Watch this How to accept your seat.
Si le han ofrecido un asiento para el año escolar 2025–2026, HAGA CLIC AQUÍ PARA ACEPTAR SU PUESTO o llame al 213-454-0599. La escuela proporcionará información detallada. ¿Necesitas ayuda? Mira este Cómo aceptar tu asiento.
Step 5
Once you have accepted your seat, schools will share information about the registration process directly with accepted students or families.
Una vez que haya aceptado su asiento, las escuelas compartirán información sobre el proceso de registro directamente con los estudiantes o familias aceptados.
The lottery process
Each fall, Ednovate schools offer monthly open houses (Admissions Information Sessions, or AIS) for families to learn more about our schools. We discuss our academic programs, school culture, and expectations for students and families. Families who choose to enter the lotteries may submit a paper interest form at the AIS or any time up until 5:00 pm on the last school day in January. Alternatively, families may choose to submit an online interest form any time up until 5:00 pm on the last school day in January.
While we encourage families to attend an AIS so they can make an informed choice, we want interested parents to apply using the method that is easiest for them.
After 5:00 pm on the last school day in January, if there are more lottery interest forms than seats available in any grade level at a school, a lottery will take place around the second week of February. All interest forms submitted on time, whether on paper or via our online application, will be entered into the lottery. Preference in the lottery will be given to the following categories of students:
Students who live within the local district (LAUSD for our Los Angeles schools and SAUSD for our Santa Ana school);
Siblings of currently enrolled students (siblings are children who have one or both parents in common; brothers or sisters); and
Children of employees of the school (regular employees who are employed full- or part-time), as long as this number does not exceed 5% of all interest forms.
During the lottery, an independent third party will draw students’ names. Once all available spaces are filled, the lottery process will continue and a waitlist will be developed from the list of students who do not receive admission. These students will be considered if seats open up during the year. Students will be placed on the waitlist for each grade in the order that their names were drawn during the public lottery.
Families are encouraged to attend the lottery, but lottery attendance is not mandatory. All families will be notified of the results of the lottery via mail within a few days of the lottery. The notification will indicate whether the student was accepted or waitlisted, and if waitlisted, the number of the seat the child occupies on the waitlist. For students who were offered a seat, the letter will include next steps for enrollment.
If seats open up prior to or during the school year, those seats will be filled according to the waitlist. Families will be notified by phone if their child receives a seat and must respond within one week in order to secure admission. Once students are accepted, parents will be required to complete enrollment documents and will be strongly encouraged to attend an orientation prior to the first day of school. The waitlist does not carry over from year to year.
Ednovate charter schools are tuition-free, open-enrollment public schools. Students are accepted regardless of background, academic record, or special education eligibility. If more students apply than spaces are available, students are admitted by lottery. If you have questions or concerns regarding the enrollment or admissions practices at any Ednovate school, please call (213) 454-0599.