Our Model
Ednovate is built around the unique learning needs and all-around supports that each student brings to us.
Ednovate’s model is designed to support every single student.
Ednovate is built around the unique learning needs and all-around supports that each student brings to us. That’s why so many families choose us, and it’s why nearly every Ednovate graduating class since our inception has posted a 100% college-acceptance rate.
We believe in the academic promise of every student. We expect 100% from ourselves in educating every student and getting every student ready for success. That belief and support lifts every student to meet the expectations we have for them, the expectations their family has for them, and the expectations — the hopes and dreams — they have for themselves.
Each Ednovate student gets highly personalized support, including our Advisory Model. Our students meet with a dedicated Advisory counselor twice a day through all four years of their schooling. Every student is a part of a four-year advisory cohort and takes a yearlong college advising course, and parents have 16+ 1:1 meetings with student advisors over four years. We’ve seen both how this helps strengthen our connection to and understanding of our students and helps sharpen their vision for future success.
The Ednovate-USC partnership is a research-backed model for a high-quality, college-prep education that is getting results and helping our graduates bring positive multigenerational change to our community. And the six campuses in our network of independent charter schools that reaches across Los Angeles and into Orange County each has the flexibility and autonomy to adapt that model and operate in a way that works best for the school’s families and educators.
Components of our model
Ednovate is Personalized.
Our guiding question:
How do we customize the learning experience to better fit the needs of each student?
Ednovate helps students develop Purpose.
Our guiding questions:
How do we help each student develop critical optimism?
How do we help each student create positive multigenerational change?
Ednovate builds Community.
Our guiding question:
How do we help create a sense of belonging so no student ever feels alone?